More coming soon...
US Government Agencies and resources
Afghanistan Investment and Reconstruction Task Force US Govt export portal
US Embassy, Kabul
White House page
Library of Congress history handbook

Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS)
Institute for Afghan Studies
a bulletin board of opportunities to help Afghanistan.
South Asia Resource Access on the Internet

Afghan Organizations and government sites
Afghan Daily
The Constitution of Afghanistan
Afghan Business Yellow Pages

News organs, academic websites and BLOGs
BBC South Asia
War Report, Project on Defense Alternatives
Science Consortium Established to Rebuild Afghanistan's Agriculture
Kabul Center for Strategic Studies
Dawn - a Pakistani English language newspaper
Frontier Post - published in Peshawar, Pakistan
Times of Central Asia, published in Kyrgyzstan subscription required but worth it
Institute for War and Peace Reporting
Luke Powell Photographs
Ctr for Public Integrity: iWatch News
Asia Society
Council on Foreign Relations
1857 handbook by Frederick Engels
Pakistan - the heart of Islamic Terrorism - a very good collection of articles
Foreign Policy Magazine: The AfPak Channel
Monitoring Global Conflict